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A Review of the self proclaimed World's Greatest Plumber

photo by laffy4k  The weather here in Kansas City can run to extremes, and we’ve seen the rainy, stormy extreme here in the last couple of weeks.  As I’m sure many others have been doing, I ended up needing a plumber…quickly and we luckily found a quality business to help us. Water can be a […]

Do you successfully fail?

I’ve had a few conversations recently about failure and it got me to thinking about the nature of failure and the small business owner. The reality is that if you’re human, you are going to fail.  Unfortunately failure has an undeserved bad reputation and most people either want to avoid it like the plague or […]

I think the Europeans have it right…

photo by rhettmaxwell  European countries tend to have at least 6 weeks of vacation per year. Actually the more important point – not only do they have that much vacation time, but they actually take the time off and use it!!! By contrast, the US is averaging about 16.6 days of vacation (according to a […]

Finish the sentence: I am afraid of _______!

One of the blogs that I’ve followed for several years now is Pamela Slim’s Escape from Cubicle Nation – I first found her blog when I was trying to figure out what I was going to do as I was leaving the corporate world and I’ve kept reading her because she is interesting, entertaining and […]

Sometimes you just need some help

photo by woodleywonderworks As a small business owner there are probably a lot of times when you feel like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders. The reality is that you can’t do it all – at least not for the long run, and if you ever want to take your business […]

Are you being Dramatically Different?

There is an ‘X’ factor when it comes to product and marketing success.  There are those products and ideas that make unprecedented leaps to popularity. They generate buzz and make people talk about them.  Think about things like the iPhone or the iPod.  How about the Nintendo Wii?  Those products are Dramatically Different! Note: this […]