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Discover what a 'leaky bucket' can do to you

   photo by peasap  Leaky buckets aren’t very efficient (and it’s really hard to find a good leaky bucket picture…).  😉 One of my clients has long been having a proverbial ‘leaky bucket’ problem with their revenue and they’ve been unfortunately leaving a lot of it on the floor.  When times were good that revenue […]

Happy Independence Day – What's your inspiration?

  Photo by loomingy1  Happy belated 4th of July / Independence Day!  This is a holiday that always gets me to thinking about things – what a great country we have and about all of the people that have sacrificed themselves over the last 233 years so that we can enjoy the freedoms we enjoy […]

A Delicious addition to Web Browsing

  photo by shoothead  One of the fun things about the internet are all of the unusual (and sometimes clever) names that companies have developed for their products.  Some are fairly obvious (like YouTube or LinkedIn), some just sound interesting (like Squidoo or Gumshoo).  Somewhere in the middle is Delicious (originally a Social Bookmarking […]

Why Small Businesses Fail: 3 things you need to know

Plan for success photo by WorldIslandInfo at FuturistMovies About 1/3 of Small Businesses fail in the first 2 years, and just over half fail within 4 years (according to an SBA Study done in 2005).  These are always controversial studies – how do they define Small Business?  How do they define failure?  Wouldn’t there be […]

Are your Business Cards really helping you?

In case you’re wondering – this is what it looks like…it’s a meatcard, more specifically it’s a business card made out of meat.  I was just in the process of ordering new cards, but decided these weren’t really what I was looking for (although they would generate a lot of attention…). I’ve needed to order […]

Do you Gnome your Customers well?

  photo by Per  Ola Wiberg  Although it’s starting to get too hot, it’s still gardening season and my wife has been doing a lot of work on our yard and flowers.  Some of it’s clean-up and the stuff you have to do every year, but a lot of it is finding new plants and […]