Articles on:

Slow week? 5 things to make it great!

Every now and then you get handed a slow week – usually the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, but sometimes you’ll get a quiet week other times during the year.  Maybe you’ve officially taken the whole week off – which is great!  However if you’re like most business owners, you’re ‘working’ this week, […]

Get On the Same Page with Joe Calhoon

It’s a simple idea…the best ideas always are.  2 people can accomplish more than 1 person on their own, but the real trick is that 2 people working together can accomplish a LOT more than 1 person…or even 2 people working independently.  Bottom line, if you want to achieve more, you’ve got to have teamwork…and […]

5 Holiday Cash Flow Tips

The end of the year is a great time to think about money – today we have a guest post from Carolyn K. from the – take it away Carolyn. The holidays have descended upon us, and the end of the year is rapidly approaching. If you are a business owner, you’ve probably noticed […]

What are your numbers telling you?

It’s that time of year – the end of the calendar year and for most the end of the fiscal year. For many businesses, when it comes to their financial statements, it’s the time of year spent reviewing their “numbers”. In fact, it’s likely that small to medium sized business owners spend more time looking […]

The 4 Levels of Social Business Engagement

I was talking with a client of mine the other day and we were brainstorming ways she could promote a new white paper / product offering and one of the things we talked about was using Social Media as a way to get the word out.  Through the course of our discussion it struck me […]