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Discover 2 Cloud tools that will rock your Biz!

The Cloud…it’s everywhere!  You can’t walk down the street, check your twitter feed or shop (at Amazon) without hearing about the Cloud!  The Cloud of course is cloud based computing…basically it’s the ability to do stuff online without knowing the physical location of where all that computing magic is happening. Cloud capabilities can include services […]

A sales secret you need to start using?

Sales is the lifeblood of small business success.  You can have the best product, the best service in the world, but without closing a sale, it doesn’t mean anything.  Unfortunately it can be difficult to get that sale closed, people may like to buy, but they don’t like to be sold. With that in mind, […]

Turn things upside down for better results!

  photo by peggyhr Sometimes it can really help to look at things upside down…or backwards if you want to find some answers!  The change in perspective generates a lot of ideas and be a valuable tool. I’m talking about Reverse Brainstorming – a simple and powerful way to spark ideas that might get overlooked […]

A case for Simplicity in Business

  photo by Vvillamon The world’s a pretty complicated place right now.  Politics are complicated, technology (although exciting) is complicated…business is complicated – but it doesn’t have to be. I’m working with a couple of different clients on strategic planning and if we’re not careful it’s really easy to get bogged down into a lot […]

2 Ideas (videos) that will blow your mind!

photo by kozumel I’ve said it before, but we live in Interesting Times…sure there’s the downside of the economy and the constant drumbeat of all of the negative news out there, But there’s also an amazing upside – we are seeing things today that would have never been thought possible 50 years (maybe even 10 […]

Would Getting Naked help with your clients?

Would you like to make more money?  How about having clients who absolutely rave about you and are willing to pay you a premium for what you do for them? Then you should definitely consider Getting Naked for your business! Of course I’m not talking literally…I’m saying you should start adopting the ideas from Patrick […]