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Want to Think Big? Time to start pruning

  When an entrepreneur is just starting out, the instinct is to land any kind of business that will generate revenue.  And for the first 6 to 12 months of your business, that’s a good idea – you started with a grand vision and now you need to prove out what your new clients are […]

Gone in 4500 Seconds

It is one of those things you think only happens to people you don’t know, but this past week it happened to me. It was midday, between 10:30AM and 11:45AM, in broad daylight. Through the tinted rear windows of my pickup, someone spied my briefcase and decided they needed it more than I did. And […]

Lighten up Francis! (to make your point…)

  photo by akk_rus There’s no doubt we live in serious times.  The economy is awful, millions out of work…more bad things going on than you can shake a stick at.  And business is generally a very serious topic as well – try reading a book on lean manufacturing, business strategy or leadership and see […]

What is Your Red Zone Conversion Strategy?

The leaves are starting to turn; the heat of the summer is past. And fan or not, we are heading into the heart of football season. And like all sports, if you can think of a statistic that measures the performance of the team as a whole or individual players, it is probably tracked. One […]

Are you a Hero, Headliner or Builder?

Entrepreneurs and business owners come in all shapes and sizes…they have different backgrounds, different aspirations and they work in all sorts of industries and spaces. Despite all of those differences, they really start to look similar when it comes to how they act and think.  Simplistically business owners come in 1 of 3 different types…and […]