Articles on: Goals

The bridge between goals and accomplishments?

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” – Jim Rohn I had a great discussion the other day with a client  and their frustration with simply not getting enough things done.  This is a pretty common issue for most people – but it especially impacts business owners because they tend to have a wider […]

Revisiting – What are your Real Goals

  photo by Esparta I was revisiting some of my older blog posts and I found one that I felt was really worth while.  The original post is called What are your Real Goals and it covers a powerful exercise that will help you look at what you want to do differently. One of the […]

How do you eat an elephant?

When you’re trying to make big changes, personally or in your business, they can often be overwhelming.  In fact that’s why a lot of New Year’s resolutions fail – they’re too big to tackle all at once (and more than likely there are too many of them). Pamela Slim, who has a great blog at […]

Are you sitting on the next big thing?

I’ve been having a great ongoing discussion with a couple of friends on a business opportunity that one of them is facing.  Over the course of the last 10 years or so, this friend has been doing sales transaction analysis and consulting for small to medium sized companies. What’s really interesting is that he’s uncovered a set […]

Are you confusing Activity with Productivity?

It’s an easy trap to fall into.  Just look at your calendar – you haven’t been home before 7:00 all week and you haven’t been to bed before midnight for two weeks. “It a tale…full of sound and fury; signifying nothing.”  Shakespeare – Macbeth Is all that activity moving you forward?  Probably a better question…do […]

Do you buy into the Power of Positive Thinking?

There are a few things that I consistently hold onto as a core part of what I believe and who I am. I believe that professionalism is critical to long term success in pretty much anything that you do. I believe in science, the scientific process and that the future will be driven in a […]